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Other Projects

General Assembly Project: This project was designed as a

way to help beginners

get into gardening.

General Assembly Project: This is a concept project where I helped worked on netflix software to bring people together digitally even though they are far apart.

General Assembly Project: As a someone who has lived in Philadelphia for years I decided to come up with a way for it's public transportation system to better itself.

General Assembly Project:

For this concept project the goal was to find a store in my surrounding area and find ways to better that business.


Design Exercise: I took an Editorial Systems class at UArts and for this assignment I redesigned icons that already exist.

Design Exercise: On a website called Cards For Humanity, you are presented with two cards and you have to come up with content based on those two cards. Click the above link for the result.

Design Exercise: It's a pretty straightforward exercise. The goal of this exercise was to see how we can we create an calculator app that is easy for the average person to use.

Design Exercise: if Meta had it's app icons redesigned these icons are what they would look like.


Freelance: I worked with a friend to help build a website which would people figure out how they can clean the planet.

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