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PhillyCHI UX Design Slam


At the UX design slam the goal was to help the Mighty Writers, an organization geared towards helping kids do better at reading and writing, market themselves to those in around Philadelphia. Multiple teams (9 teams) competed to have the best idea for marketing the Mighty Writers. My team ended in 2nd place! Here is how we did it.

The Brief

Like I said before the objective of this competition was to get more people to know the Mighty Writers and their cause. We could use a combination of digital and printed media to accomplish this task. Even better, we could act as if money was no object which allowed us to let our imaginations run wild with ideas.

Printed & Digital Media

A lot of ideas were thrown out for this project. We only had an hour to come up with ideas so we had to work fast. There are so many things we discussed that I could talk about but I'll focus mainly on my contributions to project. 



One idea I suggested was billboards because that would get the attention of hundreds of people per day as many people use the highway to get to wherever they are going. 


I suggested flyers because flyers can be put in multiple places throughout a city. 


"Take Home Swag"

At one point I suggested that kids should be able to take something home with them like a backpack from a Mighty Writers event that markets the Mighty Writers to whoever sees it. This led to the group coming up with the idea of other "take home swag" pieces such as pencils, notebooks, and coupons.  

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