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  • Writer's pictureGrant Sawyer

The Side hustle doesn’t have to become the main hustle

A lot of people these days have a side hustle. Having one job isn’t always enough to pay the bills. However, I don’t think a side hustle has to become the main hustle.

The side hustle could get boring if it was a main hustle

Anybody who has held down a 9 to 5 long enough will notice that their 9–5 will get boring. If jobs don’t challenge you in some way they will get boring at some point. Most likely you will have to do to things with your side hustle if it became a main hustle that you wouldn’t have to do if it stayed as a side hustle.

Your side hustle might not make you more money than your main hustle

There is a saying that says work on your side hustle until the side hustle becomes the main hustle, but what if the side hustle never makes enough money to replace the main hustle. Should you drop the side hustle? I say nay! generally speaking, Having multiple sources of incomes is better than having one source of income. Because of this I don’t think dropping the side hustle is necessary.

Sidenote: The side hustle doesn’t have to be related to your main hustle

Humans are complicated. Not everybody has a job that they love. If that’s the case why would their side hustle be something related to the job. The side hustle gives them the ability to get paid to do to something that they might not get to do at their 9–5.

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