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Team Prod-G: Collaborated with two other teammates

About is a company in the film industry that serves writers, directors, graphic designers, editors, actors, animators, and videographers and more. It connects employers with prospective employees within the industry and helps further develop working relationships in the field.

The Goal wants to facilitate the process of hiring film crews with diverse backgrounds and top-notch talent. After meeting with Cordis Stanfield (CTO) and Carolyn Pitt (CEO) our team was asked to perform a UX Audit and develop user personas for so we could recommend optimizations for the site.

The Plan

Our team identified four main

areas which we needed to work on;
The UX Audit (led by Ruhel)
The Competitive/Comparative Analysis
(led by Grant)
The User Surveys and Research
(led by Adriana)
The Future Iterations (led by Grant)


UX Site Audit

Competitive & Comparative Analysis Competitive & Competitive Analysis.png

There were a lot of mixed results when it comes to competitive and comparative analysis in that different companies had different strengths and weaknesses. Based on the research, if wants to stand out it needs to have a well-constructed app, good customer service, and a good job searching platform.

User Survey

In the survey, one of my team members asked 13 questions to get to know the users' knowledge of and who it could improve. The basic takeaway from the survey was that the users didn't know before they took the survey and the website needed an app. If you think about it, an app is a form of marketing. People get acquainted with a brand in different ways. Yes, some people will find a brand through the brand's website. However, some people might not know about a brand's website unless there is an app for the brand.  

Problem Statement


Ellen and Jorge need a mobile app to use because they mainly use their phones when looking for work. Additionally, they want an app that offers flexibility with account type when it comes to applying for jobs.

Problem Solution Problem Solution.png

Thanks to the UX Audit performed and user surveys, we were able to develop a prototype for a mobile application for that allows prospective employees to search for work in the

film industry from their phone. Also, we added the option for users to choose from three different choices (login, register and guest) to continue with their application process.


Persona 1.png

Ellen Kit is a producer who has been in the film industry for over 30 years. She has worked in a variety of different projects but for the last decade has preferred and mainly focused on short term contract work. Ellen has found to be very useful and creates an account. However, she recently began to struggle with using the site since she is constantly traveling and uses her mobile phone as the main
way to look for new work.

Goals - Find short-term contract work
 for herself using

Pain points - does not have a mobile app, making it difficult for her to scroll and apply for new positions while using her phone.

Persona 2.png

Jorge Bryce is an animator and recent graduate looking for work. He wants to find a job that gives him stability for the next year or so, so he would like something long term.
Jorge doesn’t know a lot of sites within the industry, but he recently found and is trying to learn how to navigate through it.

Goals - Find his first job that lasts at least a year.

Pain points - Does not like creating an account but rather apply through a “Guest” feature.

Sketches Sketches Mobile.png

These are sketches for the new app. I didn't do these sketches, but I can talk about them. Like in these sketches, I think its important as a designer to sketch enough to give yourself a good idea to how an app is designed.

User Flow for Ellen 

User Flow 1.png

Ellen's user flow describes the job searching process if you are

a guest on my team's job-seeking platform.

User Flow for Jorge 

User Flow 2.png

Jorge's User flow is more streamlined because it shows what the job-searching process would be like if you were already signed up to's job-seeking platform.   

User Testing


Users were prompted to navigate the prototype as if they were each individual persona. Most users were able to perform the task successfully and without any problems. However, one or two users wanted to see more development on some of the icons and clickable items. This can be applied to future work and research.

Future Iterations

Blog Menu & Forum Sketches.png
Blog Menu & Forum Pics.png

For future iterations, I made an iteration of what a blog and forums would look like on the website. The blog articles on the website could be used for to showcase its expertise on topics within the film industry and thus attract clientele to their site. The Forums section would help give the website a sense of community. The people who are in the forums section could end up being potential clients to the site.

Figma Link for

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