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Calculator App

Calculators have been used amongst humans for a really long time. As important as they are they are, noone wants to buy a calculator by itself nowadays when they know they have a calculator as part of their phone. Calculators have a lot of features, but I’ve aimed to put the most useful features on the calculator to keep it simple for the users.

Calculator Sketches

Calculator Sketches (1) 1.jpg

Low Fidelity Wireframes

iPhone 13 Pro Max - 27.png
iPhone 13 Pro Max - 23.png
iPhone 13 Pro Max - 26.png

If you're wondering why I didn't put the history section in my sketches, but put it in the wireframes section it's because I didn't think of the history section at the time I was drawing sketches.

High Fidelity Wireframes

iPhone 13 Pro Max - 22.png
iPhone 13 Pro Max - 25.png
iPhone 13 Pro Max - 24.png

 Prototype Link

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